Recent content by sophieisticated

  1. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    Johns rooms are fine - I think that all the colleges are pretty well the same for room size unless you're really worried about a few square feet difference, and besides college isn't about hanging out in your room, it literally is just a place to sleep and study in (although the latter is...
  2. sophieisticated

    Applying for Scholarships: Advice for Personal Statement?

    What faculty/course are you applying to? If its something really industry based, make sure you highlight some 'employable attributes'. I applied for a merit scholarship in Engineering, and there are heaps of other industry sponsored scholarships in Engineering that you are then eligible for...
  3. sophieisticated

    Hi! I'm moving in on Tuesday 24th - that's when they told us to. I only got my handbook two...

    Hi! I'm moving in on Tuesday 24th - that's when they told us to. I only got my handbook two days ago, but then again I live in the middle of nowhere (the mail is sooooooo slow) so maybe you should call up to check. It think an electronic version might even be on their website actually... I'm...
  4. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    Agreed. Besides which, who has the money to pay for fuel for a 10 hour round trip just to see a peer risk getting molested by some seedball truckie that picks them up when they're hitch-hiking back to college? Not I for sure.
  5. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    Sorry to be an upstart but it doesn't really sound like it! Is there a softer version?
  6. sophieisticated

    Gender mix at uSyd

    I didn't know I wanted to at the start of Year 11. Besides which no-one went fantastically in Engineering at my school so I'm glad I stuck to my more rewarding if less relevent subjects.
  7. sophieisticated

    Gender mix at uSyd

    I was the only girl in the line to see an academic advisor for Civil Engineering when I was there :(
  8. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    ummm... please define "die". I'm really really worried now!
  9. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    Well I'm not 18 until the end of July which is truly lamentable so I'm thinking I'll probably be one of the youngest there - I hope we don't get picked on too much, underages have rights too! Apparently the colleges organise things for the <18s to do during O-week, and a lot of the stuff that...
  10. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    If that means that you're under 18 then me too! I wasn't worried before but now that you mention it... maybe I should be?
  11. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    I'm going to John's this year (as a fresher)! Have you guys been sent information (apart from the stuff that comes with the offer) yet?
  12. sophieisticated

    School Leavers Scholarships

    I got an email yesterday saying i've been "shortlisted" for two scholarships at engineering, although I have to do an interview. I was wondering if anyone's done an interview before and could shed some light on general tips for the interview or what questions they might ask? Also, what my...
  13. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    thankyou cosmic doris - you just made my day!
  14. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    West Rural Port Stephens - about one hour north west of Newcastle
  15. sophieisticated

    Residential Colleges...

    thanks triangulator! Though unfortunately I came up as 'Major Cities of Australia'. Is the answer deinitive? Because I'm pretty sure i don't live in a major city - car gps systems don't even work at my place, it just says that you're driving through paddocks :S oh well, thanks for the...