Recent content by spirky

  1. S

    how was it

    dunno if any of you guys are correct with the ethanol if we are talking about the one where you raised the temp of about 200g of water by 65 degrees.. because it would take a rediculous amount of ethanol to heat water that much and they also lost half the heat to the surrounds which means ^H =...
  2. S

    Modern game

    1927 - Arnold Fanck's 'The Great Leap' was released, leni starred in this film.. 1934
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    Modern game

    1940 - Hitler invaded the low countries & Denmark and Norway - Dunkirk - Beginning of Air War/Blitz 1941
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    Modern game

    1919 - Revolution (Spartacist Uprising)/Counter Revolution in Weimar Republic 1929
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    Modern game

    1923 was also hyperinflation, and gustav stresemen became chancellor and introduced the rentenmark :) 1917 - Passchendaele
  6. S

    Modern game

    lol not in my topic time.. :P 1923
  7. S

    "PEEL" paragraph structure: Evidence

    i dont know if it is really necessary to be provide evidence (as you refer to it) for every paragraph, because the markers only expect somewhere between about 3 and 6 pieces of historiography... and to be quite honest i had never heard of PEEL before haha you do not need to reference your...