Recent content by Study Slug

  1. S

    NRL: Swearing on the field

    This passion card that everyone plays is rubbish. Passion doesn't mean you have to mouth off at the ref. You respect the referee. If he penalises you, you say sorry sir. Its not hard, and if some players actually respected the referees, they would probably reap the rewards with more...
  2. S

    3U students - how did u go?

    1-8 were pretty good, but 9-10 were bitches, even for a 3U paper. Still reckon my final overall mark can be about 94, which will make me happy...
  3. S

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    Wasn't too bad for my money, but the later questions were certainly difficult, especially 9 & 10. Out of curiosity, how many people used more than 1 book for Q3? I was suprised at how many people used more than one for such an early Q, myself included.