Recent content by study1010

  1. S

    Does any have any notes for The perks of being a wallflower for Discovery HSC? ASAP

    Does any have any notes for The perks of being a wallflower for Discovery HSC? if do please send me notes ASAP
  2. S

    Any perks of being a wallflower notes for discovery? please need ASAP

    Any The perks of being a wallflower notes for discovery HSC? please need ASAP
  3. S

    Why does life seem so hard?

    yeah but look at the atar you got
  4. S

    Why does life seem so hard?

    I'm just an average teenage boy who can't make up his mind about what he wants to do after finishing school. Everything seems so scary.Things like meeting your parent's expectations and not having a feeling of regret after you decide what you want to do.