Hey guys, need a bit of advice. So in short, completed hsc in 2016, missed out on UNSW commerce by a bit so enrolled in eco. Problem is- i ended up failing an accounting subject in sem 1 (lazy, didn't end up studying, focused on working 2-3 jobs instead of focusing on uni) so because of that...
School rank: 66th (in 2015), 85th (in 2014), 131th (in 2013)
Advanced English: 48/82 (Farr out) (28 band 6s last yr in our school)
General maths: 11/65 (3 band 6s last yr)
Economics: 4/29 (1 band 6 last yr)
Modern History: 5/30 (2 band 6s last yr)
Business studies: 5/58 (7 band 6s last yr)
Hey guys is anyone willing to have a read of my discovery essay and give feedback pls? Also, what are Caliban's discoveries in the tempest? Another question, if there is a qu on confronting and provocative discoveries, what sorts of things can i talk about?
Hi guys, would any of you guys have the 2014 HSC economics exam workbook published by the board of studies? If so, would someone pls be able to pm me the pictures of the extended response sample answers on the globalisation case study essay plss
Hi guys, would any of you guys have the 2014 HSC economics exam workbook published by the board of studies? If so, would someone pls be able to pm me the pictures of the extended response sample answers on the globalisation case study essay plss
Hey guys so do you guys recommend any good related texts for the tempest, i need two, and one has to be a novel.
I was thinking- catcher in the rye, heart of darkness, emma or the atonement but not too sure, do you guys recommend any good novel related texts that can particularly work for the...
Hey guys can you pls give an atar estimate based on my prelim rankings, and if possible what I should be looking at to improve on for yr 12 and by how much.
School rank: 86
Adv eng: 54/108
General maths: 8/72
Business studies: 6/69
Chemistry: 47/66 (pathetic I know...probs not even...
Hey guys so I have my prelims in a couple of weeks and we'll be having to write an essay for it, so what questions did you guys get for your prelims? I was just hoping to have an idea of what kind of questions they can throw at you for the extended response. Cheers! :)
I did try thinking of some easier questions such as
"Assess the impact of the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan"
"Assess the significance of the atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the ending of WW2." (I feel this one isn't worded correctly)
"Assess the...