Recent content by t.

  1. t.

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Oui, ma maison en est une. C’est un peu surréel. Il me semble quelquefois que tout ce qui s’est passé était une rêve. ---> On peut trouver les contradictions partout - Au début, l’Union, c’était un bouclier, elle protégeait les économies européennes pour qu’elles puissent reconstruire le...
  2. t.

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Meh. pas du tout. Oui nous nous sommes enfuis, mais pas avant tout alors, puisque tout a commencé en 1989 et nous sommes partis 1995. Voila, ça veut dire que nous étions la` pendant la durée de la guerre---> c'est pourquoi je le trouve bizarre quand je rencontre quelqu'un qui habite dans une...
  3. t.

    The Official French Film/SBS Movie Thread

    Sydney Film Festival 2005: beaucoup de films français! 36 Quai Des Orfèvres Screening Time(s): State Theatre - Saturday June 11 - 9:10pm State Theatre - Thursday June 16 - 2:30pm Country / Language France. In French with English subtitles. Demi-Tarif (screening as...
  4. t.

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Ca dépend. Si on parle d'une économie libérale, ça veut dire qu'il existe une philosophie qui assigne un grand pouvoir au marché libre- le commerce libéral entre les pays et pas beaucoup de régulation gouvernementale. Cela est en conflit avec la tradition d’une sorte de socialisme uniquement...
  5. t.

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Oui, c’est ça ; un mécontentement avec Monsieur le Président s’est manifesté dans une manière qui menace de déstabiliser la pauvre UE. Mais ce contretemps va, au moins, forcer l’UE de re-évaluer quelques politiques dans la Constit. qui étaient vraiment faibles ; tels que les politiques de...
  6. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    Hahaha...I thought the exact opposite. The chorus was weak. The verses at least had some rhythmic variation. Well, yeah. It makes sense- after all, political sovereignity/ diplomacy determines the voting. Besides, give the poor guy a break- he got poisoned and was only inches from death! He...
  7. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    BAHAHAHAHA...that was rather anti-climatic. how hot were the little boys from Serbia though???...go the jumping up and down. I agree- I actually liked the German song :eek: Gotta say though, Masha's hair looked sooo plastic & scary
  8. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    You're right, of course. Except I was referring to the countries that were placed in the top four in the contest, rather than the political power grouping of Europe teeheeeheee... ;) you're of German background?? Lucky. Except, yes, I'm afraid your family shall be shamed once...
  9. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    Yep, Italy stays away from the ESC. They have their own contests and festivals eg San Remo- which is definitely up there with the Song Contest greats in regards to entertainment value... ;)
  10. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    There is no justice in the world. The top four are shocking! I can't believe FRM got more than France? least Serbia's in the top 10, and Croatia's...well, close enough. ;) yipee!
  11. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    I have a feeling you're evil.... hmmm..momentary my drunk-on-chocolate-and-other to be left unnamed substances- state I thought Boris actually posted that quote of his lyrics...??? or do you speak croatian now as well?? omg I'm confuuussseeed!!!! hahahaa....
  12. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    OMG now THAT is the stuff of a perfect Eurovision lyricist. Absolutely love it. Re Slavic language=inability to open mouth. I'll have you know my mouth does indeed open when I speak either Croatian/Slovenian etc. The guy has no excuse.
  13. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    the three musketeers were after israel methinks....with the scary lady who stripped thrice? teeheee...they were wearing pirate suits. Apparently Hungary is a favourite...meh. I can't wait till Sunday! Though I'm not looking forward to having to endure the pain of listening to the...
  14. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling! great was Croatia!? ;) (except for the weirdo drummer dancing on his hands) The poor Slovenian guy didn't get in though...I actually liked that song! He prob. should've had a few half naked dancers doing the slavish polka with monkeys in suits. That would've ensured accession...
  15. t.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    Whoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....I just heard the eurovision songs and I the Serbia/Montenegro boys are soooooOOoOoOoo HOT! lol..MmMmm...the instrumentals are great as well. ;) Oooh - and for once the French song is not a ballad - "Chacun pense a soi"- it's a really...