Recent content by tcmonster

  1. T

    ATAR Estimate

    Thanks saber blade+ boxhunter Champs
  2. T

    ATAR Estimate

    I know these are pretty bad, but just wanting to know if these are going to result in a 50-60 ATAR or not. :evilfire: Studies of religion: 103/125 Biology: 28/33 Business studies: 77/102 Eng Std: 56/101 Maths Gen: 31/108 Senior Science: 8/14 2008 School rank = 48 Thanks
  3. T

    Movies about belonging

    Definitely The Shawshank Redemption Soo good, The prisoner who eventually leaves the prison is associated to the prison so much that when he leaves the prison he commits suicide, there are also other aspects of belonging Try to look for a book to relate to, it is rated much...