To a degree, however I think that they need to get a completely new syllabus that you would actually use in life such as letters, resume, reports etc. etc. none of this analysis of texts and breaking down movies/books/poems for pointless things you'll never use in life.
Yeah i know trig expansions and all that but it makes it so much easier to have it next to you if you can't remember it then look all thru notes and so on.
Such as dividing an interval internally and externally, trig ratios, double angle results and so on..
Makes it a lot easier especially...
kk just remember them...sorry but i don't have a photographic memory like you. Hence why i made my own formula sheet so i could revise and use them when i was doing past papers etc. saving me to go all the way back thru my notes to find the correct formula, thanks for your help champ
Hey guys,I used to have a few pages of formulae and results and seem to have lost them right before trials start... anything would help alot Cheers in advance