Recent content by templar8882001

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    What laptop should i purchase for uni?

    I am an undergraduate student undertaking Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Arts degree. I wish to purchase a laptop for study this year. Can you please give a recommendation. Requirements: Screen: 13-14 inches Memory: 4GB and above Hard...
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    i am mature aged student. Will UAC take my hsc result and tafe result into account when I am apply for uni ?
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    What are the chances getting into an university after completing a Diploma in TAFE (credit average graded) ?
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    what are the chances of getting to an university after completing a diploma in Tafe ( credit...

    what are the chances of getting to an university after completing a diploma in Tafe ( credit average grade)?
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    bachelorof construction management or Commerce

    Which is easier to graduate ? Which one would offer more employment opportunities?
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    Urgent help for estimation of ATAR

    Hi everyone, Can someone please estimate my ATAR My school is ranked from 80-110 My internal examination marks are as follows: 1. English Advanced 72% 2. Mathematics 58% 3. Legal Studies 71% 4. Modern History 78% rank:12/25 5. Japanese Beginners 57% 6. Studies of Religion 2 unit 83%
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    HSC modern history homework- Czechoslovakia 1968

    Hi, I am in desperate need of help, so any advice or information is welcomed. Explain the impact of Czechoslovakia 1968 on changing superpowers relations ?
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    University of wollongong

    It easy to find a job if have a degree like commerce(finance) and what type of jobs or positions can you do with such degree ?
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    University of wollongong

    When is mid year enrolment closing date for 2012 UNSW and Uni of wollongong ?
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    University of wollongong

    Would any recommend people to study Commence(finance) in University of Wollongong? It is easy to enrol and easy to pass the degree. what about doing finance in UNSW. it is easy to enrol and the difficulty of the workload ?
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    world order-right to protect

    Can anyone give some recent world order media articles or recent contemporary issues regarding right to protect ?
  12. T

    World order question help please

    My teacher gave me a question regarding world order. It a past hsc question.the question is why world order so hard to achieve ? The answer to include recent world order media articles. Could any one give me some tip to answer this essay question...