Yes you can. 2U maths and, to some extent, 3U contains rote learning. It's just an application of said proofs to any question; doesn't require much logic.
lol, yes you would know being in yr10 :p
Tbh, you can still get away with memorising essays for extension english - and if not, memorising paragraphs isn't a bad idea either. I personally did this for extension english for half yearlies and trials which went well for me. But obviously I knew my texts back to front so that helped in...
Just want to say on behalf of the eco cohort of 2015, appreciate the effort for creating the predictions drifting! :D The essay questions were actually on part with what you suggested haha. (except the sources of eco growth, that was new lol)
Yes, but even then, if you have natural ability (which in the context of the HSC is the ability to easily absorb content), coupled with hard work, can shorten the hours to know what you have to know. And this makes your second sentence moot because I argue it's entirely subjective; some people...
Whilst this is definitely true within the context of the HSC, natural ability shouldn't be disregarded. Yes, natural ability is not the most important factor when it comes to success in the HSC, but it is nonetheless a factor. So if you compare student A, who has just an excellent work ethic...
basically that
also, with your previous post, I don't do chem anymore (did it until halfway through year 12 but then dropped it because ceebs rote learning lol). anyhow, I do have a fair idea of what the course is like, so I took the liberty of creating this thread :)