Recent content by TheGeetz1995

  1. TheGeetz1995

    How do I get myself to study?

    BobbetyBob, I find that when I feel myself losing concentration while I study, it is helpful to drink some water. Keep a glass/bottle of water next to you while you study and sip it when you feel yourself drifting away. This will also get you moving about because you'll need to pee more :)
  2. TheGeetz1995

    Frankenstein !

    There have been many adaptations of Frankenstein made over the years. I dunno if watching the film will help you understand the novel. It might, but there are so many films out there.
  3. TheGeetz1995

    Is year 11 & 12 really that hard?

    Your workload will definitely increase in the first few weeks of year 11 because you will be learning some completely new content. Also, up to 20% of your mathematics HSC exam can be content taught in year 11 (sorry to tell you that!!). No other subject will test you on year 11 content in the...
  4. TheGeetz1995

    Supportive texts?

    We haven't started the topic yet. We've just been told to read JC over the holidays. We weren't told to find a support text these holidays but it would be nice to have a head start when I get back to school:spin:
  5. TheGeetz1995

    Supportive texts?

    But does anyone know any texts that go well with Julius Caesar?
  6. TheGeetz1995

    Supportive texts?

    How many supportive texts do we need for module C? And does anyone know any good supportive texts for Julius Caesar?:bosman: