I'm considering applying for actuarial studies at UNSW
What exactly does this entail?
I know this is about statistics, probability, mathematics and communication
Could anyone with experience regarding this career/ degree provide an insight into their personal experiences of doing this...
Also, the electron is not instantaneously deflected by the electric field as it shows for a large portion of the electron's path to be undeflected whilst in an electric field. Also, it shows linear motion, however it should curve out a parabolic path towards the positive plate.
Model x assumes a uniform gravitational field, where acceleration due to gravity is assumed to be constant for every point in Earth's gravitational field (9.8m/s^2)
I calculated the value of g at an altitude of 200km above the Earth's surface using g = GM/r^2 which turned out to be around...
re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive
The theory of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all inertial frames of reference; it is impossible to conduct a physical experiment within an inertial frame without reference to an external point. The principle of special relativity...