Recent content by Throwingbrick

  1. T

    Stuck with subjects I despise, what to do?

    Yep, i'll give that a go. if that's not possible are there any Tafe courses that run on weekends or at night?
  2. T

    Stuck with subjects I despise, what to do?

    Yep but dropping out isn't an option purely because of my parents, balancing a once a week tafe course with all my already struggling subjects wouldn't work too well...
  3. T

    Stuck with subjects I despise, what to do?

    Well I selected Software Dev Engineering studies English standard Maths General 2 Modern History Automotives (VET) I got : Physics Construction English Maths Modern history IT Timber
  4. T

    Stuck with subjects I despise, what to do?

    So over the last few months my motivation for school has dropped almost completely purely because I only got 1 subject I selected. I was given a heap of subjects that have no meaning to me and will contribute bugger all to anything I'm remotely interested in doing in life after school. I've...
  5. T

    Immigrant Chronicles help needed!

    (Accidental double post) feel free to delete reply.
  6. T

    Immigrant Chronicles help needed!

    So i'm writing a six minute speech on belonging, specifically Migrant Hostel and 10 Mary Street by Peter Skryznecki I was wondering what some good quotes and their techniques would be for "Belonging can be created, supported or broken by relationships" as a point. thankyou!