Old Testament: God creates the universe and he sees it and it's serious business, but then Satan pretends to be a snake and trolls Eve, telling her " Apple or GTFO" (cuz she was already showing t*ts). She chooses the former and then her and her f*ck buddy Adam get b& from Eden for being...
>December 22nd 2013
>At home
>Turn on the news
>"8 Australian boys on a schoolies trip to Bali have been detained for the alleged possession of a large amount of drugs"
/b/ um nah bro. 4chan. /b/ Is just a board on 4chan. That's like me telling you your post style comes from the schoolies forum on this site.
My home board on 4chan is /fit/ and the whole site is in that format.
Teenage boys in western culture yeah. Either insecure, or can't get none, or level 90 paladin, or euphoric, or maximum autist.
>any year
>passing up opportunities to go balls deep