Recent content by Tom BMGS

  1. Tom BMGS

    does anyone else get this?

    You seem to have missed the main thrust of what I was talking about. My own personal reflections on the homo-erotic nature of watching porn in a group had little to do with what I was actually saying. See, what I was saying is while everyone else is screaming "dump the fucker", I say, why...
  2. Tom BMGS

    does anyone else get this?

    Hmmm. I think that watching porn with even one other male has something inherently homo-erotic about it. Besides which, what most people seem to be ignoring in this discussion is that surely there have been some good times with rach44, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed with him this long (of...
  3. Tom BMGS

    24 - New Series.

    "You're going to tell me what I wanna know, it's just a matter of how much you want it to hurt" "Drop the weapon or I WILL shoot you" What an awesome show. The question remains, will Jack land the plane in time? My family and I reckon he'll just jump out the plane and miraculously survive, with...
  4. Tom BMGS

    Homebake '06

    Oh SNAP. You got me there buddy. Great insult.
  5. Tom BMGS

    Homebake '06

    Disappeared up Luke Steele's arse. Sorry, just, Sleepy Jackson...meh.
  6. Tom BMGS

    Homebake '06

    Silverchair Eskimo Joe Hilltop Hoods Scribe Gotye You Am I Youth Group Björn Again Butterfly Effect The Presets The Models Bob Evans Toni Collette Little Birdy Infusion Midnight Juggernauts Kid Kenobi Augie March Parkway Drive Angus &...
  7. Tom BMGS


    That Suppermassive Black Hole song is one of the most irritating songs by a semi-credible artist I've ever heard. Everytime I hear it I want to break the radio.
  8. Tom BMGS

    The Sufjan Stevens appreciation thread

    Who else out there digs Sufjan? I think he's written some of the most beautiful songs of the last...well, ever. He's a brilliant artist, some of his best songs are: For the Windows In Paradise... Chicago Flint (For The Unemployed & The Underpaid) John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (who else could write...
  9. Tom BMGS

    Meaningful songs

    Sarah Blasko - Don't Dream It's Over: Was mine and the person that I've had the longest relationship with at this point in time's "song". Now it just makes me sad. The Whitlams - You Sound Like Louis Burdett: Especially the line "And all my friends are fuck-ups, but they're fun to hang around"...
  10. Tom BMGS

    Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release "The Eraser"

    Had it for about a month now. Meh. Kid A, got? I can't wait for LP #7. THAT will kick some serious beeeee-hind.
  11. Tom BMGS

    I come seeking a drummer

    Guitarist, bassist and singer seek drummer to complete four piece to play indie-esque guitar rock. Fairly ecletic styles. Influences include all the normal kind of stuff like The Beatles, Radiohead, Zeppelin, Floyd, blah blah blah. Would be preferable to live around the Blue Mountains area...
  12. Tom BMGS

    Special Provisions

    Owned. We all know you don't need it Michael. You're just lazy. Your writing is perfectly fine. You managed to survive up until this year. You're just trying to jump on the bandwagon, same as Seb. Get a real reason.
  13. Tom BMGS

    The Story telling thread

    ...takes the bottle from me, and it crashes to the ground.
  14. Tom BMGS

    The Story telling thread

    My groping fingers find the only thing that gives me solace, the whiskey bottle... (Alright, I'm turning the character into an alchoholic on my first post. Go me.)
  15. Tom BMGS

    Use of Sin City...

    My intro... Basin City was the kind of place where if you turn down the right back alley, anything is possible. It was a city of great light and terrible darkness, where lies were power and money meant everything. It was a lousy parking lot in a lousy part of a lousy town, and the smells of...