Well what does everyone think of their performance and what is their aim... well seeing that i stuffed up section 1 paper 1 i fink ill get 80ish? maybe... comparing to what i received in the trials...
I reckon it is impossible to fail in english standard if you atleast attempt the question appropriately... But yeh dont be soo harsh on yourself.. Remember that paper 1 is included aswell... English exams are sooo friggen boring, and being a slow writer i managed to finish right on time...
haha i reckon english standard is too easy... you can simply bring in a prepared essay and just rewrite it to fit the question... I wrote 8 pages for Truman, 7 for Owen and 7 for Raw... Im pretty confident i did well but section one paper 1, oh my god it killed me... i reckon my marks would add...
SECTION 1 WAS DISGUSTING WOT THE FISH IS ANAL EYES WRITERS USE OF CONTRAST... That author of the feature article was off her head wen writing that... Text 3.. WTF ill give a journey to my foot.. definitely failed that section
When i say preparing, i really mean how do i use my 10minutes efficiently, exactly what do i look for in the 10 minutes. I need a way to plan out my long answer in the end, the 5 marker where the texts are compared to each other. How do i set that out. Can anyone provide me like a scaffold of...
Hey predict me
Chemistry 78% rank 3/11
English Std 77% rank 3/48
Physics 80% rank 2/12
Mathematics 65% rank 10/14
PDHPE 68% rank 6/33
these are trial results btw
wot do u reckon i would get...