Recent content by Triinkii

  1. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hey hawkrider!! Thank you!! Ah definitely - the thing I regret most perhaps is not spending enough time with my friends. Towards the end, my life took place mostly in the school library in a secluded corner. Keeping up extracurriculars until the final term was a good idea though, made sure I...
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    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi Soulful, Thank you!! I initially picked Latin as an HSC subject because I'd been taking it since year 7 and was topping my grade, and my Latin teacher was a really funny dude who made learning the language so much fun. He really believed I could do really well in it! But come year 11, he...
  3. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hey Rathin, That's actually a very good question! I was lucky enough to have a physics teacher who had her own notes, which I worked off, but in the end it's a mixture of textbook and online resources. And by online resources I don't just mean those online dot-points, I mean legitimate websites...
  4. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi PopeXIII, I have to admit - I'm terrible with timetables. Can't follow them, never been able to! I do have a friend for whom it works though, but only one. The only thing I can really advise here is to constantly re-evaluate which subjects require the most time for you personally, and study...
  5. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hey Kaido! 1. The best answer I can give is simply to answer the question! Give them what they want to hear but in your own unique way. The same goes for interview questions, they want to know your personality and know you're a real person with all-rounded interests, so definitely draw on a...
  6. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi alohapeeps, Thank you!! My favourite subject to study for would alternate between maths and physics. Maths simply because studying is easy - past papers are the way to go! I don't have to sit there wondering how I'm going to go ahead with studying for it. Physics because I'm a bit lazy and...
  7. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hey again qwert73, In first year, the engineering courses are all very very similar, so it's easily transferrable. However, since I had to pick just one to secure a co-op scholarship (flexible first year not allowed), I had a look at several things: 1. Lots and lots of maths and physics - elec...
  8. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Thanks to everyone who asked questions today!! And those waiting for responses in pm's, sorry I can't get around to them tonight - it's off to bed for me. I will get around to you before everyone else tomorrow, I promise! Didn't expect quite this amount of interest, nor the near-essay-length...
  9. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi janbroodryk, I'm assuming you mean on schooldays. 8:15AM-3:15PM - school 3:15PM-5:00PM - extracurriculars (or chill-out/social time) 5:00PM-6:30PM - getting home and dinner 6:30PM-10:30PM - homework/study with occasional breaks depending on the amount of work that day, using...
  10. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi internalsarekey, (why yes they are, for the ranks!) If you want a state rank, your best bet is ranking 1st internally (of course, you know that already ;) ). I had that part easier in that I went to a top 50 girls' only school... My physics cohort had a grand total of 10. Physics is the one...
  11. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Here goes... An incomplete list because most escape my brain right now, in hopefully some strange form of order: School stuff: School musical (2010, 2012) Opera House concerts (2011, 2013, 2015) Sport: Waterpolo (2010-2012) Netball (2010-2012) Music: Band (2010-2015) Choir (2010-2015) Flute...
  12. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    One horse sized duck. Definitely. Why fight it? It'd be like a pegasus but duck-shaped. Embrace it and ride it into the sunset! That said, duck sized horses sound kinda cute, but I'm not sure making one hundred custom-sized bridles is going to work out well. For anyone.
  13. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Looking at your forum signature, I have to wonder if you're some kind of computer working in base 2 code ;)
  14. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Music. Yes. Longer response: SOUNDTRACKS ARE MY DRUG! Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game are some of the best to study to!
  15. T

    AM(almost)A from a 2015 graduate

    Hi mattstaker, Chemistry I admit was one of the subjects that gave me the most grief. I had teachers who would mark exceptionally hard, to the point my raw marks were convincing my parents I needed external help! How I studied for it is actually quite simple - I read the textbook, cover to...