Recent content by Trisk

  1. T

    Dads Banned from Wedding Isles

    holy crap people will complain about anything these days get over it
  2. T

    metal fans your suggestions are needed

    mmm i listen to soilwork (NOT a copy of inflames; they actually shit all over inflames) inflames soil arch enemy tool NIN killswitch engage korn deftones children of bodom strapping young lad dimmu borgir godsmack and then i also listen to alot of power metal bands such as; kamelot angra...
  3. T

    Transport to Formals.

    I'm driving my dad's lexus.
  4. T

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    *homer looks at laddy (the 1200$ dog bart purchased with Santos il halper credit card) "Oh yeah; a dog like that you'd have to feed every day"
  5. T

    Game Capture

    The demo of fraps only records in 30 second clips, you are better off just buying it. Oh and don't bother trying to download the demo and then cracking it, because it is protected against that and won't let you install any of their software on your comp after that point
  6. T

    World of Warcraft

  7. T

    World of Warcraft

    Join Date: Nov 2002 Posts: 13,183
  8. T

    the cheap wow powerleveling service

    Sounds like a great option ... if you want your account banned
  9. T

    anyone not going to schoolies '07

    I'm not going, instead, im going to hang out with my friends at a holiday house down south
  10. T

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Stone of Tears; the second book in the Sword of Truth series. (i recommend this series to anyone who reads fantasy, the first book is called Wizards first rule).
  11. T

    World of Warcraft

    So just because we play WoW, we automatically have no lives and never leave the house? Ignorant people such as yourself make me sick.
  12. T

    World of Warcraft

    Wow, I hope you don't believe this, especially because it is from the show A Current Affair. It's so obvious that this report is so incredibly biased it makes me sad that people watch it =(
  13. T

    World of Warcraft

    You do both at the same time. WoW is not a fast paced game where 100% attention is required the entire time.
  14. T

    Looking for love...

    wow other people like MSI? I <3 I hate jimmy page
  15. T

    World of Warcraft

    On Jubei'Thos: Rades - 70 warlock (Gladiator from arena season 1) Sariela - 70 warrior Trisk - 70 druid aman'thul: Trisk - 62 rogue armory for warlock:'Thos&n=Rades