But at least most adults are at least educated about these issues to the extent where they can determine whether it affects their ability to buy booze and cigarettes.
Well, maybe our HSC advanced English courses will finally be worth something.
Join the club. There are so many young people in that situation who may have genuinely had an opinion and understood the issues, but were not allowed to vote. But think about all the other people in your year at...
Re: Education, Not Indoctrination: continued
Lol yeah... what an idiot. Everyone knows that Lefties really hide their political persuasion for as long as possible so they can lure in innocent Righties and mark them down for their incorrect perceptions of society. Careful... they could be...
Another article... bias because it is an opinion piece, but I think it relates really well to what _dhj_ was saying before. Are lefties more likely to become teachers because it is "left" to want to take a crappy job with little respect in the hopes that it is shaping our future for the better...
I am a new uni student, and on this boring sunday ventured forth to the kitchens for breakfast and found a copy of the sunday telegraph sitting on the bench next to me. Unfortunately, not having anything else on me to read, I opened the paper and came upon a rather interesting article on the...