Recent content by Undesirable-sin

  1. Undesirable-sin

    New english syllabus for 2009 hsc (New AOS - Belonging)

    Considering how 'Belonging' is a new module that the board of studies has crushed in. Its goin to be somthing new. What is Belonging? can someone please give me a definition. Extended defenition of belonging a broad one. Hope someone can help. Thank yous!
  2. Undesirable-sin

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    :( So stuffed. My holidays are juuuuuust finished. I planned everything before the holidays. To do all my homework, start and finish all assigments, make notes, study etc... It was a perfect plan. Until the holidays came. I did nadda. Nothing >_< I don't know what happened. My motivation just...