Recent content by UNSWStudent

  1. U

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 Ok, so I emailed CSE and this is what they said: "PSYC1011 Psychology 1B can count as a Gen. Ed. course for the program 3978 Computer Science, since it is outside the Faculty of Engineering and in a discipline that is not available in 3978 as a core course." I...
  2. U

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 But for example for Psychology 1B it says yes but I can't take it as gen ed for CS. But now I understand that it shouldn't be a subject I can take as elective. I thought psychology was far enough from CS such that it was allowed as gen ed.
  3. U

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 Thank you so much. I definitely don't want it as an elective. I will go replace it with an arts/commence course. I'm sure all arts courses can be done as gen ed but can I do ECON1101 as a gen ed?
  4. U

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 Hi guys, Is PSYC1011 Psychology 1B acceptable gen ed for computer science? It is in the faculty of science, so I thought it could be not accepted.
  5. U

    The Code Marathon.

    Wow, this is AWESOME! Write a program that takes a list of numbers as input (can be a string of space or comma separated ints entered by user or can be a file), converts the input into an array (or linked list depending on language) of numbers (must also deal with negative numbers) and outputs...
  6. U

    Questions about COMP2041 Software Construction

    Damn that sounds super interesting, can't wait!
  7. U

    Questions about COMP2041 Software Construction

    Hello, I am in first year of CS but decided to take COMP2041 in second semester this year since the only prereq is COMP1917 and I want to do as much CS is 1st year as possible. What is COMP2041 like? What is the intensity? What is the focus of the subject? The handbook doesn't really offer...
  8. U

    How do I get an "A" grade without reading my texts

    I didn't read any of my texts, just used sample essays and google and got 92 in English Advanced. I put in a lot of work and effort into it regardless.
  9. U

    Is it a good idea to do 2 gen ed courses over the summer after first year?

    Thank you very much for the info. What's the second subject you did?
  10. U

    Is it a good idea to do 2 gen ed courses over the summer after first year?

    I thought I can do two but if I can only do one then I can do a super easy course so I don't have to attend lectures and so I can still do work experience at the same time.
  11. U

    Is it a good idea to do 2 gen ed courses over the summer after first year?

    What are you thinking of doing? The only interesting summer subject I found so far is ECON1101. I need to find one more subject.
  12. U

    Is it a good idea to do 2 gen ed courses over the summer after first year?

    I am in my first year of CompSci and I am thinking about doing two gen ed courses in the summer after first year. This would mean that I can do 3 subjects per semester in 3rd year, giving me more time to work projects, do an internship/part-time work or whatever else. Is there anything...