Recent content by Vladimir Putin

  1. Vladimir Putin

    MUSLIM uncle burns 11 year old neice for wearing lipstick

    Wow. Didnt expect that... Where that BoS anti-Israel group
  2. Vladimir Putin

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    It should not be up to a specific individual's opinions to create the law for which everyone should follow. The decision for abortion should be left for the woman, provided with therapy or whatever else is required for HER to make that decision, not anyone else. PS. lyounamu needs to get laid.
  3. Vladimir Putin

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: McCain admitting defeat? Ahh, my bad. The cub had been a joy to me. Thank you cheeky_pie i recommend judo to everyone, it is a great sport
  4. Vladimir Putin

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: McCain admitting defeat? I am a married man, and I love my wife. Any speculations about other women are just that, speculations. Stay on topic please.
  5. Vladimir Putin

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    McCain admitting defeat? It looks like McCain has lost control of his own campaign... According to this article anyway. I have to remind myself of his anti-Russia policies to stop myself from...
  6. Vladimir Putin

    Right now, who would you vote for?

    If I was a citizen of your country I would vote for liberal.
  7. Vladimir Putin

    Has the Cold War begun again??

    You are nothing but a political corpse, further argument from you side is useless as you have made the whole world aware of this on the 8th of august.
  8. Vladimir Putin

    Has the Cold War begun again??

    That is a good question, one that I have often encountered. I find that both systems have their negatives, and this transition period has been quite difficult for my nation (as you might be aware). I am of the opinion that it will become a success in the hopefully not too distant future. I...
  9. Vladimir Putin

    Has the Cold War begun again??

    You have raised several good points, and yes we have "learnt the joys of capitalism and democracy" and trust me they do not make it any more difficult to brainwash entire populations, just look at America (unlike my fellow citizens who are well informed). But I have several sources that tell me...
  10. Vladimir Putin

    Has the Cold War begun again??

    I have reviewed some of your opinions, and would like you all to rest assured that I will personally do everything to prevent a new Cold War. Besides, the past ideological differences between Russia and the West do not exist anymore. As for the events in Georgia, we did the only thing we could...