Recent content by wahbetemaujkardi

  1. W

    do we just ignore the fact that the term after Rh should be -1/4 in the first equation

    Yh I have the same q now that I looked at it
  2. W

    Q regarding Bohr's atomic model

    Aight so it makes sense how his introduction of quantisation into the atomic model accounted for the line spectra since moving between quantum states required a specific amount of energy and when moving up or down it released or absorbed that amount of energy as a particular wavelength. But how...
  3. W

    4u integration vs 3u

    Haven't done a lot of 3u integration only 4u, is that smthg to worry about? In the context that I have two tests in 2 days which both have integration except one for 4u and one for 3u
  4. W


  5. W

    forgot how to integrate this

    totally forgot those existed thanks
  6. W

    forgot how to integrate this

    test on friday so need help asap if possible
  7. W

    Urgent Feedback Required For This Paragraph on Mod A - LFR / KR3

    ah fair that makes sense, ill try to do that from now
  8. W

    Urgent Feedback Required For This Paragraph on Mod A - LFR / KR3

    how would you suggest making the sentences shorter, thats something i tend to struggle do and my teacher said the same but im unaware of how to implement that, also thanks for your feedback
  9. W

    Urgent Feedback Required For This Paragraph on Mod A - LFR / KR3

    Hey guys, i have written a sample body paragraph using the following question, for Pacino's Looking For Richard and Shakespeare's King Richard III. Would be great if you guys could give me feedback!!! Essay Question: In Looking for Richard, Al Pacino directly engages Americans’ dissonance with...