Recent content by Wait Disney

  1. W

    Game Name Game

    Team Fortress 2
  2. W

    Red Dead Redemption

    It's got crazy amounts of glitches in it...
  3. W

    Worst games everyone bought

    Halo ODST and Crysis... :(
  4. W

    HOLYSH*T! - Woman says she became pregnant after watching porn in 3D

    Vajayjay? slang these days :rolleyes: I'll probably use that now...
  5. W

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    I'm hot for teacher YouTube - Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
  6. W

    Favourite item of clothing

    Jeans. Long, semi-baggy jeans. I cannot wear drafty shorts or cramping tight jeans. They make me uncomfortable.
  7. W

    Piercings and Tattoos

    I want tattoos, piercings are lame.
  8. W


    Too many greens :( I'm a fan of pink
  9. W

    What drinks do you buy at the club/bar/pub?

    I only just joined this, but I already know who is awesome
  10. W

    Olives - Love or Hate them?

    Man, I used to eat olives and capers out of the bloody jar with a spoon! Black olives only though!
  11. W

    What is you favorite kind of pizza?

    Re: Favorite Pizza? Ham and Pineapple or pepperoni!
  12. W

    A little date game .... wink, wink, nudge, nudge

    Koalas have like, herpes or something Tree. The chicken or the egg? (and the egg goes in your butt!)
  13. W

    Things that annoy you.

    Yeah, soggy shoes are the worst... I have a cousin who is autistic, and his parents make him wear crocs. And I'm like, why not just put a sign on his back saying "Yes, I am retarded."
  14. W

    67% of girls are stupid.

    (this is a more serious post) Everyone's stupid, just in varying amounts. Hell, I'ma putting that in my signature
  15. W

    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    Obviously not, women like babies, men like sex. Men stay with women for sex, and the women get the babies, sheesh.