by one point off i mean i got an 89/100 in eng adv
if i got that band 6 i would have enough points for selection rank
Im aiming to get an offer from USYD for Commerce & Science in January round 1 (since they lower the indicative selection rank to 93), however, my selection rank is a 92.25 ( :biglaugh: ) -- do you guys still think I have a chance? Has anyone heard of somebody or has experience getting into a...
unfortunately its probably unlikely but im not completely sure
idk if UNSW is the same but I've heard that UTS is strict with their conditional requirement of min 69 atar so id imagine other universities are similar (i really hope im wrong and you still get the offer though)
i was one point off of the course i want at usyd
bro thats actually tragic i hate how the system is like that
i think u will be fine and get scaled up if they see you did good in your external performance - im not sure how it exactly works but thats more or less along the lines of what my teachers say... something about like outliers?
Lowkey tanked crime but ate world order up somehow also hr was nice but I know nothing about australian constitution I wrote about universal suffrage or whatever
why would they do a surrogacy question for the third time in family law???
bro im like 99% sure this was in my trial, i was so shocked to open the paper and see it
(in my opinion, i think it gave a little bit of an advantage tbh because i had teachers feedback from my response on analysing that source + my brain automatically knew what to respond with- but i didn't...