Recent content by whatrandom

  1. W

    What electives do you want to take?

    does anyone know anything about MATH1042? "Philosophy of the Cosmos" - is it as full on as it sounds?
  2. W

    living costs

    pleeease teach me how to do this! -_-;
  3. W

    living costs

    cool. thanks everyone! :)
  4. W

    living costs

    hey everyone :) i suck at money management... so I'm trying to plan a budget. How much are the average weekly living expenses? I'll be living in a self catered place so we're looking at about $163 per week rent and money for food (groceries + eating out) /going out/textbooks...etc thanks
  5. W

    Centrelink - Rent Assistance

    hey there how do we apply for student income support? i think theres a relocation scholarship and a start up scholarship...
  6. W

    Advance science at UNSW or USYD

    i've been wondering the same thing. usyd or unsw?? i'm interested in studying psychology and neuroscience... and i like how unsw's neuroscience study plan has subjects from psych and neuroscience nicely fitted together :) but not sure about usyd... doesnt really say much on the website ... but...