Re: should gays be allowed to marry in NSW
My original thought was the same a Xayma's... that homosexuals should be allowed a civil union and that the church should distance itself from such unions... but I'm now starting to believe I had the wrong idea.
I got to thinking, if that was how...
Erin... I'm afraid i do not see the point in Christians arguing against Roman Catholicism. Yes, some Roman Catholics are misguided, even to the point where they follow a religion that is not Christian... But so are many other people withing the church as a whole. Just because someone is a...
Maybe on Discovery Channel or something. I remember watching a show on it. Twas interesting. But I wasn't a huge fan of the plastinated babies. Just feels a little odd to me to be getting insight into our physiology by looking at dead babies.
But they showed a dead camel getting plastinated...
I understand what you are saying. And it's hard to give a good reason for this. But what I think you will find with early Christianity is that it was largely underground. A few communities of people who practiced Christianity in Jerusalem, and the Jews were pretty hostile to Christians just as...
Ah... right oh. Thanks for clearing that up. I can be a bit daft sometimes ;)
My opinion on this is that Paul doesnt write about Jesus' life because it's not heaps necessary for the people he is writing to. The letters he writes are to places where churches have been established (either by...
I know these are not definative rebuttle of the article in question... but here are some of my thoughts:
Very few people actually support that claim. It is generally accepted by people who actually study the Gnostic gospels that they were written 100-200 years after the biblical gospels...
In that case, i'd say I couldnt tell you why you should believe Jesus over the Imams. It is not in my ability to get you to a point where you can accept Jesus is the Son of God. As i said at the beginning of this thread, I cannot convince you of God's existance because only he can do that...
Having four different versions adds to the credability. Having one version, one could say it was just made up by a few people who wanted to invent a story. But because 4 different people with different backgrounds have written pretty much the same things, then it highlights a standard belief...
Because the command is not what God want's you to see. If everything he said was a command, you would have a checklist for righteousness. "I've done this this and this right, i've done that wrong, but if I do this this and that then I'll be right."
The whole reason God gave all his commands...
The form is incorruptable in a sense.
The word of God is truth, or if it changed by sinful it is untruth. So the only two options are that it is the word of God or it is the word of man.
The question is then how do you sort the two out. If it were up to us, we could not tell the difference...
Perhaps the best way to answer that is the bible is not up to a "theists interpretation" as many people try to argue.
One cannot claim that the book is the Word of God and then say that it is open to our interpretation. Surely, if we believe God to be perfect, then every word he says is...
You misunderstood what I was saying. Being jealous for their love is wanting them to love you and only you (which is right because it is what they promised to do). In that sense jealousy is a good emotion to have. It's kind of hard to understand because we're not used to thinking about it that...
The best way i can explain that is by saying that you're putting human emotions back on to God. And since i'm claiming that humans are flawed, if God has our emotions ergo he must naturally be flawed as well.
All i can say is that jealousy is not a flaw when in it's right to be jealous. We...
That's the whole point. It is only natural for people to hate other people. It is only natural for us to want what we do not have. Our natural state is in rebellion of God's will which shows we are not how we are intended to be.
The commandment to love is completly against our nature. It says...
*flashes back to the Divinci Code*
"Wow, did you know this book proves the church is lying?!"
"No... I don't generally look in the fiction section to find proof :P"