You're my favourite person in the world right now. Thanks for explaining everything in depth, really appreciate it! Not confused at all now And yeah discrete maths sounds interesting, might do it now if o can fit it in! Cheers!
Hey, I enrolled for Biomed Engineering/Adv Maths this year, and to say I'm confused would be an understatement. I want to major in Mathematics and 'Financial Maths and Stats'. I got a few questions:
- As it's 48 cp for year one, is it 24cp each for both engineering and science?
- It says in...
Just wondering from anyone who does the adv course or knows someone who does it, how intensive the adv course is, how much harder is it, how much more work is required and whether it is worth it?
I am thinking of doing it with engineering (i read on usyd website that you are able to combine...
nah its sociocultural because economic influences is: effects of the wider economic climate. And it only specifies what demographic (low income earner) he is in, doesn't reference the state of the economic climate. For all we know in this situation the world could be in the biggest booms...
Have a few questions:
- If someone did the 2016 CSSA English paper, can you tell me what the specified poem was?
- If you didn't do the CSSA trial, what poem did your paper specify?
- Whats your bet? Specified or unspecified? If specified, which poem?
Ps. Our school did Among School...
Has anyone done the maths ext 1 neap 2016 trial? If so, can you clarify that multiple choice question 4 is wrong? All the answers for the question to not give the right answer. The answers completely discount the root on the bottom.
The actual integral i am pretty sure is four unit standard...