Recent content by wizzkids

  1. wizzkids

    textbook eqn derivation - mistake?

    Watch out for this one! In mathematics we define the vector for a plane as the perpendicular to the plane. In at least one recognised Physics textbook, they take the angle of the coil to be the angle between the sides of the coil and the B-vector. Clearly these are not the same definitions and...
  2. wizzkids

    Coroneous '*' Notation

    * means complex conjugate
  3. wizzkids

    choose two that you think are cool

    Ammonia is cool, because it can be used as a refrigerant gas in the Joule-Thomson Effect. As human civilisation weans itself off using CFCs and HCFCs that destroy the ozone layer, we will turn to using ammonia as a refrigerant gas. The enthalpy of vaporisation of ammonia and the pressure...
  4. wizzkids

    any good physics youtube channel/resources to self study

    The University of New South Wales has developed a library of very good Physics animations. Much of it is suitable for the year 11 and Year 12 Physics course. The site is called PhysClips, and you can trust the content, unlike some of the YouTube channels. Joe Wolfe and colleagues have spent...
  5. wizzkids

    Acids and bases

    Methods of analysis: (1) titration against a known standard solution, reveals the concentration of an acid and possibly if it is monoprotic, diprotic or triprotic. (2) conductometric titration, reveals the ionic strength of acids and bases, the percent of dissociation (3) instrumental techniques...
  6. wizzkids

    Acids and bases

    Seriously? Your HSC was in 2021, and presumably you did some Chemistry. What sort of answer do you want? High School level, or university level?
  7. wizzkids

    How much detail should we know on these dot points (mod 7)

    The question about methods of measuring the speed of light is covered very well in most elementary text books. Basically you are looking at light "chopper" experiments conducted over very long baselines. You break a stream of light into very short pulses with a precisely known time period, and...
  8. wizzkids

    Old physics syllabus

    In the old syllabus, the dot point said, "Students learn to: identify why the term ‘g forces’ is used to explain the forces acting on an astronaut during launch." It was part of the applied "Space" module. Yes. G-force has been removed from the 2018 syllabus. G-force is not really a force; it is...
  9. wizzkids

    How to tell acidity of compounds

    If you are doing the modules out of order, and you studied the content for module 7 before doing mods 5 and 6 then you are going to get confused for sure. There are three models for acids and bases that we study, Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis. You really need a good understanding of these...
  10. wizzkids

    Nitrosyl bromide

    No, there is nothing special you need to know. They are both examples of homogenous gaseous equilibria, and similar skills are required.
  11. wizzkids

    Phosgene, nitrogen dioxide, dinitrogen tetroxide module 5 chemistry

    There are a lot of skills to learn including:- You must learn to write a correct mathematical expression for the reaction quotient Q. You must write concentrations of the reactants and products with the correct coefficients. You must learn that partial pressures are equivalent to concentrations...
  12. wizzkids

    Nitrosyl bromide

    There is nothing mandatory about studying the reversible equilibrium of nitrosyl bromide NOBr. Where did you get this from?
  13. wizzkids

    Depth study creative presentation ideas?

    You sure can do a demonstration of chemical luminescence. Go get some glow sticks from a camping store. They are sold for emergency map reading, caving and they glow for 12 hours. Even fishermen use them at night for attracting some kinds of fish.
  14. wizzkids

    Name this organic compound

    Step 1. Identify the number of functional groups and their order of precedence. You have a primary hydroxyl group and a ketone group. The ketone has highest precedence, so the ending must be -one. Step 2. Count the carbons, there are five. Start numbering from the carbon nearest to the highest...
  15. wizzkids

    Depth study creative presentation ideas?

    "Creative" usually means something that hasn't been done before. If you are doing your HSC in 2025 then you are doing the Preliminary Chemistry course, am I correct? Without knowing what your depth study is about, I can only make very general comments. You could construct a physical model. You...