Thank you for the replies!
and to myst1fy, what do you mean when you say 'courses are usually inflated'? > < and 'get into easily' as in transferring or getting an offer in the main round? Thanks!
Thank you to both for the replies!
Hm, I just found this page regarding transfers into law programs at UNSW:
Just as slyhunter said, and with my ATAR - highly doubt the chances.
Just hoping to make it into the...
I'm an HSC student 2010. Really wanted to do the Comm/Arts degree @ USYD - that had an ATAR Cut-off of 94.5 last year. Unfortunately, I got an ATAR of 93.25 - 1.25 points under the cut-off.
I'm aware that the demand for the course may change and I might receive an offer during the second...
I'm an HSC student 2010. Really wanted to do the Comm/Arts degree @ USYD - that had an ATAR Cut-off of 94.5 last year. Unfortunately, I got an ATAR of 93.25 - 1.25 points under the cut-off.
I'm aware that the demand for the course may change and I might receive an offer during the second...
Was alright - a few pieces of useful info here & there. Thought it was a bit too short/brief. :/
However, it was nice to walk around USYD 8) haha, i kinda explored the 'castles'
> <; Really want to go there next year.
Just got my report back. They didn't give us our accumulative marks?
Adv. English - 9/64
Maths - 11/34 LOL Epic fail. Hopefully, it doesn't count in the final ATAR. ^^"
Ancient - 2/29
Legal - 3/30
Economics - 3/13 From what I found out, I'm 1% away from 2nd place T____T;
Business -...
There's another Economics lecture at Hurstville on the 24th of June. Apparently, Ross Gittins is going to talk over there too, but only for the morning session.
Yeahh, I'm probably going. T___T I want the notes haha
Random: Yayyy for the federal budget release!! More newspapersss to cover...
Any suggestions on things to do in Melbourne at the end of year? :)
Places to eat? - affordable for students please. x)
PS: A group of 10.
Thanks in advance!
I was wondering whether anyone has been to an Academic Attainment 'HSC Economics Lecture' at Sydney Uni before (feat. Ross Gittens)? If so, did you think it was worth the money? ($56/ per day - 2 days in total)
Also, is there anyone planning to go?
All these pamplets are going around...
Did my eco exam.
Mutiple Choice - meh.
Short Responses - ....wafflewaffle& more waffle
Extended Response 1 - Okay.
Extended Response 2 - HAHAHAAFAIL.
At least it's all over nowww. :) Sleeep <3
Same. (esp. statistics of the finanical flows). Bleh, I'm getting sleepy. x____x What time is your exam? My one is bright and early at 8:30am. Need to head out the house at 7:40am.
Lol. Advice to self: Get off BOS threads? Like now? xD
Haha, thanks. You too.
With the rate I'm going, probably stay up to dawn. -____-; Like wth am I doing here? D: I should be immersed into the wonderful impacts of globalisation and free trade. :X