What the, thats wierd. Have you tried going into "user cp", then "Edit Options" and going down to :
Use 'Email Notification' by default? - Then click on "no" ?
Woah hearing all your SDD teachers sucks, i think mine is fine, he seems to know his stuff and we were in track with chapters and such, though the class was lazy thats all :/ Quite a strict SDD teacher with using the net sometimes and other times just cool.
Huh? It converts sound to electrical impulses? Yeah so what, is the the aim of the cochlea implant?
How can the person benefit from a cochlear implant by it just converting sound to eletrical impulses?
When you think of it, it could just help restore normal hearing because thats it's job.
The exam was completely easy, except that 7 marks Q i think i stuffed that kinda since im kinda confused about microflora but the rest were easy spot on. You just had to remember your stuff.
Well the exam is tomorrow, and since it starts at 1.55pm, it leaves a good amount of time for light revision in the morning :)
Im trying to track down the experiments i done in class this year incase they ask for it in the exam.
How is everyone else doing?