Recent content by XzaM

  1. X

    Engg1000 thoughts and tips

    It was horrific when I did it last sem since I planned on transferring into eng. Group was full of international students and I basically had to do all the work, barely scraped a distinction which I consider a shit mark, especially considering the time I had to put in. Peer assessment was a...
  2. X

    Engineering IPT questions

    Yeah gonna drop by this Thursday. Do you know if your WAM gets reset on program transfer? That's the more concerning part for me haha, don't want 3 years of busting my nuts to go down the drain.
  3. X

    Engineering IPT questions

    So I just got accepted to transfer from comm/adv math to comm/mech eng but I have a few questions about the whole process. -There was some news on the UNSW website stating that from semester 1 2016 onwards the courses you transfer over will be included in the calculation of your new WAM (here...