Recent content by yangsta45

  1. Y

    Estimate raw mark

    would an 80-85 have a chance to be alligned for a band 6?
  2. Y

    How Hard Was Tht?

    oh well i feel sorry for next years success one authors. How the heck r they gonna publish solutions for that beast?
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    How Hard Was Tht?

    how can they mark the paper easy if half of it was blank?
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    How Hard Was Tht?

    man the last half hour was me just trying to think about how im going to tackle the physics exam seeing as all of it will have to count now =(. 2 years of hard work in maths for nothing fuck u bos!
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    before this test i'd average around 60-70/84 for past HSCs. Now im just hoping for a 50-52/84.....