Recent content by yugi

  1. Y


    i totally agree.. accounting was a huge trap :(
  2. Y

    A couple of Multiple Choice Questions - Help Please :)

    where did you get these questions from :uhoh: and why are they so hard!
  3. Y

    integration by substitution

    hey, sorry no idea how to use latex and um might wanna check this but i got: u^2=x+2 so differentiating both sides at once gives you: 2udu=dx from the given substitution we can deduce that x=u^2-2 so ... integral of x-2/root (x+2)dx = integral of u^2-2-2/root of u^2 multiplied by 2udu...
  4. Y

    another parametrics question

    btw would you by any chance know the formulas for internal/external divisions of an interval as well
  5. Y

    another parametrics question

    oh i see, ill try that thank you
  6. Y

    another parametrics question

    two points P(6p,3p^2) and Q(6q,3q^2) lie on the parabola x^=12y a) find the equation of the tangent at p b) the tangents at p and q intersect at the point t, find the coords of the point t c) if the angle between these tangents is 45 degrees prove that p-q=pq+1 i've done part a) and b) however...
  7. Y

    Great quotes from Frankestein.

    gotta love spark notes. SparkNotes: Frankenstein: Important Quotations Explained
  8. Y


    oops LOL :(
  9. Y

    legal studies book

    probably excel or macquarie they're quick/easy studyguides instead of those 500 page detailed textbooks
  10. Y

    Related TExts for romulus

    does anyone know fo any short stories (i mean short as in really short) that i can use? my main links will most likely be links with family landscape and effects of mental illness so anything taht fits with that would be great thanks in advance :) ps not really looking for anything that will...
  11. Y


    Damnit, i tried to use the stupid latex thing and failed twice and wasted alot of time haha :( sorry you are just going to have to read this 1) y=x^3+2 y'=3x^2 when x=1 y'=3 when x=1, y=(1)^3+2=5 .'. the point is (1,5) using the formula: y-y1=m(x-x1) we get: y-5=3(x-1) y-5=3x-3 .'. 3x-y+2=0...
  12. Y

    is this right? (para)

    okay cool yay :) in what ways is your working different? theres no set way right?
  13. Y

    who are you o_O!!!!!!

    who are you o_O!!!!!!
  14. Y


    hmm well according to the jones and couchman textbook for a parabola x^2=-4y it says that a=-1 and x=-2t and y=-t^2 so yeah :)
  15. Y

    is this right? (para)

    x = 2sec<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><link rel="File-List"...