Recent content by yuqiismyidol

  1. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    sorry he doesnt wanna be contacted he didnt study at all he only had 2 superiors
  2. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    yep my friend got one on friday he is doing entry into yr 11
  3. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    no they never do only in yr 11 do they accept like 15 cus most highschools do for yr 11 entry
  4. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    def not true my friend tried last yr for entry into yr 10 and there were zero spots
  5. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    nope we are not opening a new maths ext class as we only have 5 teachers qualified to teach it
  6. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    maths ext?? theres no spots left we already have 116 students doing it when we can only offer 100... i picked adv eng phys chem eco maths accelerated and health movement science but im moving schools next yr so i dont think i'll see u
  7. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    rlly!! what subjects did u pick!!
  8. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    of course they do re-selective doesnt work like how selective did for yr 6
  9. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    whoo if its a girl u should lemme know
  10. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    girl lowk the '26 grade at sg r so toxic i know half their grade and all they do is shit talk each other
  11. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    applies for sydney girls too
  12. Y

    Edutest Tips - Entry into Yr 11 2025 -Sydney Girls

    omg rlly r they coming?
  13. Y

    Edutest Tips - Entry into Yr 11 2025 -Sydney Girls

    yep i have but i said im not willing to go for interview
  14. Y

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    i think first round is like for the ppl that did good on test second round is for ppl that got good portfolio third is like extra for the ppl that leaving the school and later notify them