first years are just as likely to get into trench town as anywhere else on campus.
i know heaps of them in there in the last two sessions.
Im in Hospital at the moment (that is, A&B block) and to tell give you some info on campus east...
A&B - Hospital
The common room has a table and a...
Re: Post Your 2008 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)
offered: Bachelor of Engineering (Civil,Environmental,Materials,Mech,Mechtrn,Mining)/Bachelor of Science - at UOW and accepted 8D
Some of my friends are going into their 3rd tri-mesters, they started early too... if you catch my drift.
But on topic: Congratulations, I'll be moving to UOW soon (4th of February for bridging courses) and i'm looking forward to it also.
Now we just need to see if we enjoy it...
Ok so yeah, this is a bit late for you... but for those of us who are still interested.
From what i read in Stephen Hawking's, A Brief History of Time.
Spin is a description of a particle.
Particles with Spin 0, are particles that are viewed the same, no matter how you rotate it.
such as...
I despised the Lear Question...
"Intense relationships" *sigh*
The exam was pretty straightforward otherwise, and the frontline question was hilariously general.
Re: 2007 Industrial Technology HSC Exam
I was running out of time, which made me panic because i usually have plenty of time left...
so i was doing some drawings with shakey hands.
i got my 3rd pt projection symbol wrong, i didnt draw a nut correctly... otherwise i felt fine...
Engineering results are back!
I got a provisional entry into a BE/Science
provided my UAI > 74 and mathematics mark is 75%
which seems doable.
Im currently asking them what my chances are if i changed to a B of science alone.