im trying to find the atar needed for B Science/B Arts @ USYD
code 512094
cant find anything in my uac book or on the usyd site
any help would be much appreciated.
advanced english - 76
mathematics - 90
economics - 88
modern history - 83
music 1 - 86
im very pleased seeing that with my work ethic i really dont deserve anything above 80
Outline how a government can use fiscal policy to alter the level of Y distribution
through a progressive taxation system the government redistribute Y from high Y earners to low Y earners, through welfare payments.
Explain how fiscal policy could be used by a government to reduce a deficit...
i would add to the post about. to me the key word in the question is "expectations"... the RBA influence inflationary expectations by setting a goal of a yearly average of 2-3%, over the course of the business cycle. and their success in achieving and maintaining this aim influences inflationary...
Debt an amount owed to a firm for funds borrowed.
Equity ownership of an asset. although i think it can also mean total assets minus total liabilities.
explain how deregulation may promote productivity growth in the Australian economy. (5 marks)
2 mark question. that would be enough for 2 marks.
fiscal policy > expansionary stance > increase AD > increases demand for labour > reduces unemployment
Define Okun's Law
1. increasing constraint on economic growth
2. increased incentive to save rather than consume
3. increased unemployment as business' offset increased cost of borrowing.
explain how an increase in productivity contributes to economic growth.
a suggestion. could we possible give this game some structure by systematically going through each dot point of the syllabus, because this is the only study im doing.
define GWP and "the global economy"