Recent content by Zakata

  1. Zakata


    I love Easyway! Taro milk tea without the pearls is great!
  2. Zakata

    hey :) Im good thanks, you?

    hey :) Im good thanks, you?
  3. Zakata

    places to buy cheap fashionable male clothes?

    Myer (surprisingly) sometimes have quite good deals for very nice clothes, particularly shirts.
  4. Zakata

    Fave author?

    I absolutely love both Kate Forsyth and Isobelle Carmody, I don't think I can choose a favourite!
  5. Zakata

    Best Movie 2008: Slumdog Millionare

    I watched it yesterday, pretty amazing movie!
  6. Zakata


    Love skins! Such a cool show, I think it got worse in season 2 though - then ending was so sad! Season 3 will probably be worth watching, it will be interesting to see how they develop the plot.
  7. Zakata

    what are you craving atm?

    Kimchi and Vodka :)
  8. Zakata

    Best ways to beat the blues?

    Definitely do something fun, that you enjoy - anything to take your mind off what you are feeling.
  9. Zakata

    Singapore Airlines A380

    Ive flown on one, it was pretty amazing! Very spacious and entertainment system was good (albeit a bit laggy). It was incredibly quiet and smooth, I hadn't even realized we had landed.
  10. Zakata

    Favourite airline?

    Singapore Air :) Worst I have been on is Alitalia... They overbooked the flight (and had to pay people to get off the plane) and didn't have enough food for everybody. The flight attendants actually took off their shoes mid flight :S Qantas isn't too bad..
  11. Zakata

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Fav: Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney Worst: Denpasar (Bali), Leonardo Da Vinci (Rome), Manchester (UK)
  12. Zakata

    Have you ever tasted your own cum/jizz/spunk/juice/jism/cream?

    Oh dear god, I think I'm about to throw up (I just googled it and saw some of the recipes)
  13. Zakata

    Your ONE favorite brand. ONE. (1).

    Mossimo :)
  14. Zakata

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Happy Smiles - t.A.T.u. The Fame - Lady GaGa
  15. Zakata

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Im in the exact same boat as you, somewhere in the middle. Ive only ever met really feminine other gay guys, which don't really do anything for me. Oh, and Ive never really been in a relationship, no real hurry I guess...