Souldnt have to agrue with people like you.
If you are too stupid to understand these things then dont argure againt it.
If you truly believe that you undertand this matter... well i hope you die in a car crash too, then it will be the world with 1 less scumbag.
Shouldn't ask stupid things. If you think the law makers are soo stupid why dont you think of something better?
Seriously are u like 12 or something, because you cant seem to make a logical argument.
Perhaps you have a better idea which would work better than the current system. One which 85% of all Australians would approve, one which can be implemented without costing us anything more and one which would reduce the crime rate.
If you do write it up and send it to the government, if u...
I'll explain what i mean by this with a example...
You want a car
You steal a car
You get caught and get put in jail for 5 years
People hear about your story
I want a car
I'm less likely to steal a car because i know i might end up in jail for 5 years..
So i dont steal a car
OR i steal a car...
Actually it would discourage people from stealing cars. you have to remember far smarter people than you and me made these laws and they are proven to work.
Support the Police involved in the Fatal Crash in Canberra on 20/3/10
The police did their job, and they stopped the case before the crash. Maybe some people should stop breaking the law then blaming the police fro doing their job.
Has anyone used or visited their shops? any comments on service, readability? Know a better alternative? (dont say newegg plz)
I've never used those PC shops before but they all end up cheaper than what I'd buy here in Canberra...