Recent content by Zepol.

  1. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live it was beside those tennis courts near the main entrance.. coming up from the city
  2. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live the law stand had snakes!! but ya usyd was sucky... after walking all the way to broadway i went on like a bush trek through this garden and it took forever to reach the top of the hill -_-
  3. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live will they have snakes like uts?
  4. Z

    Repeat year 12 again?.....

    i didnt read many replies but.. if you do it at tafe u really need self motivation.. the teachers will encourage you but if u dont want to do an assessment they dont force you.. plus if you dont go to school one day they dont really care coz its your own choice..
  5. Z

    Unsw Open Day Help!

    just catch a train to central and then a 372 to randwick.. basically any bus that goes to randwick junction you should catch.. unsw is like a 5 minute walk from randwick junction its not hard to miss lol
  6. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live it kinda sux that UNSW and macquarie are on at the same time and so far apart :(.. oh well just gonna go to unsw and badger the history people about the byzantines
  7. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live did anyone see that plant breeding stall?...i thought it was funny for like 3 seconds anyway yer lame w.e Uts' law stall had free snakes.mmm.. and we got abused by the stamper at the apple thingy.
  8. Z

    Uni Open Days

    Re: Infoday/USYD Live i found it pretty boring compared to notre dame and there was so many people there the arts hall section thingy was packed..i felt like a sardine gosh anyway it was still ok.. that museum thingy with the numistic exhibition from macquarie was pretty kewl.
  9. Z

    teaching at ACU

    omg me 2 woo .. i was thinking if ACU was a good place to do education..
  10. Z

    Catholic School Trials

    blowing into this maths discussion i thought the histories were semi easy got 81/100 for modern while getting 87/100 for Ancient
  11. Z

    Order of the course?

    term 1 : Spartan society up to the battle of Leuktra term 2 : Pompeii and Herculaneum term 3 : Historical period New kingdom egypt from Amenhotep III - Rameses we are also doing our personality Akhenaten in this term
  12. Z

    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    started with 20 dropped down till about 5
  13. Z

    History Ext Topics

    same question is a bit shabby tho.. i might have to edit it a tad