adjustment factors (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 7, 2025
i think i might be eligible for adjustment factors (anxiety-related issues) and i feel like i have sufficient evidence for applying for them. i am in the process of getting a diagnosis and have evidence of having struggled during 12 and y11 so far including gps, and several counsellors and therapists noticing said issues.

the issue is that i don't want to apply for disability provisions (i don't see a point, i don't get stressed out during the exams in particular it's just general anxiety). i just want to know what applying for said factors is like for mental health issues in particular, how many points i can expect, can i ask other ppl like teachers, parents, school counsellors, therapists for supporting evidence too (like idk if it has to be medical) and what kinds of evidence do i need??

@jimmysmith560 do you have any advice? sorry to bother you i was hoping youd know smth abt this.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Your issue is consistent with the category P01A: Disability or long-term medical condition under the Educational Access Scheme (EAS). The number of points that you can receive can vary depending on the specific university. For example, UNSW has a limit of 10 points whereas WSU has a limit of 5 points.

You will need to submit an application statement covering the following:
  • Details of your medical condition/disability in the period you’ve had your medical condition/disability and the school years involved.
  • Details of treatment you have received for your medical condition/disability.
In addition to the application statement, UAC requires documents and these depend on whether you have disability provisions from NESA. For applicants with a NESA disability provisions notification, the following is required:
  • NESA disability provisions notification
  • The supporting medical documentation submitted to NESA.
For applications without a NESA disability provisions notification, the following is required:
  • A medical impact statement (likely from your therapist, you should confirm this)
  • An educational impact statement (I am not entirely sure whether this needs to be written by you, you should also confirm this)
  • Medical certificates/reports relating to the medical condition claimed (this is optional).
Lastly, if you end up not applying for NESA disability provisions, UAC will require you to explain your reason.

Additional information about EAS categories can be found here:

I hope this helps! :D

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