(urgent!!) legal vs eco vs history vs business studies (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
hey guys so im in year 11 right and now and im just thinking whether i should switch out any of my subjects. the deadline for switching is rlly soon too so i gotta decide fast....

im doing:
eng ext 1
eng & math adv
& legal.

but ive also been thinking about whether i should switch out any of my subjects for other ones.

pros - did eco last year and i got pretty good marks + good scaling. a little interesting.
cons - bad teacher who teaches in a way where its impossible to focus in class. going to have to spend a lot of time learning in my free time cus he sucks... also not looking forward to keeping up with and memorising the current economies statistics for HSC...

history ( leaning towards modern )
pros - always been interested in history. pretty ok scaling
cons - did pretty bad in history last year ( i got a B ). im also pretty intimidated by the huge workload especially since i already have bio and the fact that ill be writing so many essays cuz i lowkey suck at writing. there's also a lot of source analysis which is fine but i also kinda suck at doing.

pros - its somewhat interesting? the crime aspect of legal is interesting to me.
cons - very content heavy. not really liking the way legal is being taught rn and i got a pretty bad teacher who at times i have no idea what is being said.... theres also quite a bit of essay writing

business studies
pros - fairly simple and not as content heavy as the other subjects. also won't have to write as many essays. i feel like itd be somewhat interesting to me as well.
cons - worst scaling humanity. also heard it gets pretty boring at times.

any advice would be appreciated.
thanks in advanceee❤


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2024
I had done business studies and legal for the hsc so I would say I am a bit biased for both, but going into what you’ve weighed out for business, it’s not actually the worst scaling humanity. While a lot more people take the subject for its perceived easiness, I’ve found that it scales better than humanities like ancient or legal if you’re worried about it. As for boredom, I’m not too sure if it’s due to an approach your teacher takes, but the course is heavily dependent on the syllabus and I found that helpful in assessing my knowledge for each section. There are two extended responses for 20 marks each, which would be lesser than the number of essays in other humanities which is also good.

Legal is an interesting subject because yes, you learn about the different stages and factors involved in crime and sentencing as part of your core. This is followed by learning of human rights, and contemporary issues like workplace or environment or family, depending on what your school does.While it is content heavy, essay writing isn’t the worst because you’re encouraged to introduce legislation, cases, media articles and so on, to help with your analysis. I found that learning those were a good thing to supplement knowing concepts and specific content. And if you take a personal interest in any of the above, you could expand on that for longer.

I can’t say much about the other humanities since I haven’t done them, but here’s my reasoning for business and legal.

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