am i cooked? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 9, 2024
i haven't even gotten my results for half yearlys yet but i just KNOW i bombed every one of my test. i did fairly alright in term 1, but after the holidays, i had no motivation to study, fell behind every class, procrastinated everything, then ended up cramming everything 1 week before all my half yearlys. lowkey never done this bad before in my entire life. if im aiming for an atar of 95+ do you think i could still achieve it? i have only 2 more assessment tasks left before the hsc.

also, it would be really helpful if i could get some advice on how to stop procrastinating. i always procrastinate then regret, its like a never ending cycle. but lately its gotten worse. i feel like i can genuinely do well if i didn't have this habit. cooked or not cooked, the past is gone, i cant do anything about it. i know i should focus on making my future results better, but i still feel like this is gonna happen again. and i dont want it to happen again.
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#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
what was the weighting of last term and this terms exam, what was your rank last term and what do you think it might be this term and what is the number of band 6s your school gets in that subject? you dont have to share if you dont want to, but you have to be aware that with whatever weighting you have left you need to make up your current rank to a band 6 rank or as high as possible pretty much.

as for making a comeback yes your next few exams can 100% improve your rank and mark. remember you have (just a guess) approx 50% of your internals left to do and your external worth 50%. so far you have only fifnished up 25% of the total contribution to your atar technically so there are opportunities for you to improve.

nobody can be sure you can make a 95 atar or not it just sort of depends on how you go from now onwards but depending on the other subjects you do and how good you are at them i would wager a guess and say it might still be achievable.

no clue what do do about the procrastination bc im going through it too


New Member
Feb 13, 2025
you got this, idk how far ur behind but its not too late to improve ur mark if u study now. i also think its helpful to know why u want to get a 95+ atar (ie a specific course you need for a 95+) which can def motivate u more to lock in.

i tend to procrastinate if I don't have a clear goal on what I'm studying, you could maybe plan out exactly what u need to work on and take action on it. (ie crafting a to do list and working on it through the day/week)

so yes, ur cooked if you keep this up, but if you can make changes now ur not cooked.

good luck!
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