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  • wow, your primary school must be really strong or their oc class is just horrible :L. I think you are the type of person who would do well in a competitive environment like ruse. Being self motivated is one thing but I thrive in intense competition.

    Funny because I've always wanted to go to a normal school, even just for one day see what it's really like . People in my school has a weird ... view of normal people ... Like, we think that in a local comprehensive you guys have really irresponsible teachers and don't learn as much because of that.... I actually really want to see where I fit in 'socially' in a local comprehensive.
    haha, I'm pretty sure you guys would have been pretty close. I mean dude, I remember my friends from year 1 and stuff. Like, incidental meetings on the street, you'll be surprised. haha.

    do you regret it?
    wow, you guys seemed really close ! I'll go talk to him for you and see what he has to say . I'm pretty sure he'll have a lot to say to you !. He's also hectic at basketball, karate and has guns hahaha. That's insane, did you do OC? because i'm pretty sure you would have gotten in if you did :D

    well, he's around top 50 out of 138, i'm not sure how he did for the most recent set of exams for generally he's around there... so yeah :D
    Haha, sort of, yeah. We've talked, I mean, I've talked to everyone in my grade so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I know some sort of personal information about Tom. He's a really nice guy, went out with a couple of my friends

    Ahhh, I see :D, were you guys close?
    so picnic point aye? haha. he's doing well, particularly well in maths, maybe not as well as you :L but still considerably well in ruse :D .

    Want me to relay a message to him?
    "1st for maths with 100% in 5.3 with 0 study lol. 1st in commerce and history elective. Top 5 for everything else, not sure what rank exactly since they don't tell us."

    you will be the next matt rodney
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