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  • goddamnit trebla i wanna know if im right, hurry up and check my answer on the hardest chem question thread

    Thanks a lot for helping me with those Binomial Theorem questions, and sorry for not thanking you earlier!
    hey, i was just wondering what degree you are doing at uni or have already done... your maths knowledge is amazing
    Thanks for the rep man. But my solutions never beat any of yours, lol.

    I read your post about how you study financial mathematics and finance. I was wondering if you could provide some insight as to how your course is overall as i was planning to pursue the two majors as well but in b commerce (liberal).

    Auburn/Lidcombe.... wow. That's far.

    I live around Baulkham Hills. I guess I can catch a train to your office.

    Please tell me your office is walking distance from a train station...!
    Hi Trebla,

    I am currently in Year 10.

    I noticed you post and followed the link in your signature.
    Your details and credits impress me and I am willing to try your tutoring service.

    I am going to do 3 units of math for my preliminaries next year.

    In which suburb is your office?
    Perhaps we can speak more in depth about your services at a later date.
    Please let me now if there are still vacancies for your tutoring,
    I am looking forward to your response.

    - Matt.
    Yeah, that's what I had in mind too. She said that she will move people up by looking at the AOS essay marks!!! grrrr.... She hasn't said anything about it yet!!! Furthermore, she promised that at least 5 people will move up, and then she said only 2, and then none. I think she's a really bad English head. Maybe I should contact the Board of Studies. My own teacher thinks that I should be in Advanced (as I am acing Standard and will probably do well in Advanced) but Ms R said I would be better off in Standard... She makes the Advanced course sound so hard, but some people who left the school in Year 10 are now doing Advanced and they are acing it! I think I'll just stay in Standard :( The Advanced teachers are crap anyway.
    So, you're an ex-seftoner! Hey, does the English faculty let any students from Standard move up to Advanced? I want to move up. Ms R said yes last year and first term but then she keeps changing her mind.
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