need to be a denist + make my parents proud ( their expectations are crazy, but guess i dont have a choice lol)
I cant bear to wake up with a buzz cut ill weep...i really thought if I went black id look better not some crazy now BLUE HAIRED goth
im not interested in deep surgery, it makes me feel really cringy, but denistry is surface level, and i (crazy as it is) enjoy the bit of surgery, and cleaning and am intersted in oral health. Also, i plan to open my own clinic one day which I really look forward to doing
the dye just turned on me, and decided to go blue instead of black it seems. Im seriously gone
The reasons you gave are pretty normal... or maybe it's just normal to me because I'm pursuing medicine too lol
What's your natural hair colour? That probably had something to do with the colour change.
Life's fine: trials have finished but now I'm getting into study for the HSC.
How's life for you? On track for that 90+?
How's your hair doing?