haha don't apologise! =DD we have to catch up! ^^
oh you is lucky! omg!! haha samee!! i don't smoke or drink! =D hehe geezzz if u were a drinker u wouldn't have survived the second party!
the sad thing is... i'm still tireeeddd

and i'm very cold! it's supposed to be VERY cold tomorrow!
i hate this weather. OMG!! 8 MARK QUESTION!! okkk woah! i don't make big mistakes like that!! i just hope this wasn't during the HSC year! =O
haha it's always nice to have a change
i <3 ALICE!=D she is sooo cute and nice! she's my fave character! and the actor suits her so well!!
TAYLOR! <3333 do u love all her songs??? ^_^

vanessa- i'm excited for the latest movie she's in- Bandslam! =DD coming out in August! =DD
hope u had a wonderful weekend
it felt so weird to be at school again today =/
speak soon, smile
