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  • Yeah I guess everything happens for a reason so like let's hope they don't mark us down heavily and/or they see our school marks.. Just relax and seriously let's forget about it and go study because we'll damage other exams over this stupid question.. Takecare and goodluck mwa
    You know why I want to kill myself now it's because I memorized a bioethics essay full quoted from numerous soucres and in the exam because I was so bloody lost I only manage to incorporate one paragraph with no soucres of bioethics. Kill me now because if the bloody question was more specific then I could have atleast mentioned bioethics in detail. :( I don't want to study anymore. 20 marks... Gone... A years worth of study... Gone. My rank and school mark mean nothing :( fml
    Thats good :)
    Yeh our class was really happy. Hopefully we all done great.
    Yes you gotta call.
    Im sure they got your application.
    YUP all the best 1 week and 5 days!
    Idiots. Idiots. Idiots. I went through my re folder thinking to myself this whole year ive made perfect notes for the final exam and i didn't even use them. =\ Happy thoughts: Mathematics :):):) best subject to study for. the answers either right or wrong.
    OMG. FML honestly wait wait get this people actually agreed that it was okay and it was EASY MARKS. this is where my dreams of becoming a cop to own a gun come in handy. and rofll at Islam asking for Mohammad when in the syllabus is doesnt ask for him... the board of studies have had it =\ how are your thoughts because right now i want to bomb the bos office :)
    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL yeaaaa i just woke up from my nap... it was sooo nice... are u jealous. And now I'm actually gonna eat food soon LOOOL.jarehhh u..... that's sooo not enough..... LOOOOLLL middle easterns and their filled up freezers with meat
    LOOOL gangster. I'm so hungry I think I'm going to go eat=] and it's so hot. V or ice-cream i can't decide?
    LOOOL i called... shes likeee i think you're the 90000th person calling regarding that q.... theres been teachers, students, parents all complaining... so we're monitoring it still... the q was directly from the syllabus and bsides there was actually a principal who called and sed that question was very simple and nothing wrong with it. im like it wasnt simple. and shes like well we're monitoring it dont worry just focus on youre other subjects. im like ok thanks heaps bye. theyre such loosas. i think u were meant tooo tlk about everything as if incorporate paul, bioethics n baptism.
    Im gonna shoot her. Seriously im screwed. My essay was soooo bad. Im soo angry to the point where i just tried calling bos and they wont pick up. If only they did im gonna tell them off like no tommorrow. Yes my 1st tell off.
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