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  • wow and only this tuesday?! wooah where have you been living?! under a rock!?! :p

    i highly recommend seeing it :) the last scene when they are dancing will just make you wanna join in with them :D

    haha that's how i felt! :p
    LOL! that does sound quite creepy!! exact reason not to go! hehe

    hmmmmmm dux! i give up! i can't believe u!! i'll just chat to u on bos.....
    thats cool i totally get that
    riley is kinda my nickname not my real name
    so smiley wat yr r u in?
    assignment wise i just have english due on friday
    but i know im getting a bio one this week :(

    thanks! i just hope i pass bio lol. its so hard!
    wow! that is quite different!!

    yeh! she did walk in perfectly fine! but i guess the directors wanted to emphasise what a wonderful time she was having without the interference of her sickness.

    cardiologist- i guess they wanted to show landon's desperation ... ( in the scene where he asks his father to help jamie)----- shows how much he cares for her -_-

    haha definitely a walk to remember!

    WOW! really!!! asked her to the dance!! but why would he ask Jamie who has a social status like that!!!! u know... doesn't that break the laws of popularity? :p

    awwww too cute!!!!

    i liked the part when Landon realised how much he liked Jamie whilst she was singing in the musical :)
    I've been busy and stressing...not good....
    SO much work to get through...and exams....gosh had our x maths test today..wasn't so good..
    howww have u beennnnn? seen any movies lately?
    jamie sullivan was soooo nice ^^ mandy moore did an excellent job! :) She changed Landon from a bad boy to the perfect man! :)

    in what way was the storyline different in the book??
    i know!! :(

    don't come on too often these days!! =(

    well the good news is!! i watched 'a walk to remember'!! :D:D


    it was a movie that i hated and adored at the same time!! i hated it because i didn't want her to die!! i was so shocked when she came out and she had leukemia! :(

    but i loved it because it was soo cute! ^^ a lovely story!!! :)

    i couldn't stop crying though! it was too sadddd :(
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