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  • :( But its what is in the inside that matters. Were both the same age and all. were a perfect match i think ur incredibly beautiful:)
    You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Kwayera again.

    Kwayera doesn't get many nice visitor messages :(

    So here is one from your friendly neighbourhood Silver Persian:

    roses are red,
    violets are blue,
    kwayera is pretty,
    and I like her too

    how am i bribing you? I know deep down you know ive been a good boy. Due to this goodness I just want my original BBJ account. please
    hey kway, can you please give me my original bigboyjames account back. look, ive behaved for the last week or so, i deserve it. please.
    hi again, sorry if i have kept annoying you today but there is one thing I would like to ask u. You know the member "darkwolfz: right? Well I honestly feel that he would make a brilliant mod on BOS. I mean the guy is honestly perfect and always helps out people. I am sure you have seen his posts on this forum and how good they are. If there is ever a free space for a mod or whatever, I am sure he would do an absolute brilliant job. BTW what I am saying now is absolutely true and in no way am I sucking up or making this up. I hope I have informed you of my point.
    Cheers Pete
    YESSSSS!!!!!!!! Remove my ban please. I will give u positive rep and keep repping u until U have a Gold internet penis like LAZARUS.
    Can u remove my ban please. I miss that account of mine. The ban is too long. I will be good from now on:) Plz remove the ban.
    Was it u that banned my Peter2 account or another mod? Also, When is the ban going to be removed. cheers
    hahaha but what I said was an honest view. Am I not allowed to post such views? I am sure most people would agree with what I had said:)
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